Features of Photopolymer 3D Printing Technology

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  • Igor Nevliudov Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • Dmytro Nikitin Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • Roman Strilets NURE
  • Blyzniuk Danylo Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics




Additive technologies, photopolymer 3D printing, technological parameters, print quality, defects.


3D printing technologies have become widely popular and are now utilized across a broad range of fields, from science to manufacturing. Certain areas, such as the production of dental prosthetics and casting of gold jewelry, have become heavily reliant on 3D printing, particularly photolithography technology. This high-precision method employs photopolymer resin as its primary material.

The development of the technology and the significant interest in it have led to the emergence of new materials with diverse physico-chemical properties, such as flexible photopolymers resistant to wear, or casting photopolymers, among others.

Currently, the main focus of improvement lies in automating production processes to eliminate the need for constant oversight, enabling 3D printing to be integrated into large-scale manufacturing. This aligns with the transition to Industry 4.0, incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT).


The authors analyzed the defects of photopolymer 3D printing using test samples and identified the technological parameters that influence their occurrence.



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How to Cite

Nevliudov, I., Nikitin, D., Strilets, R., & Danylo, B. (2024). Features of Photopolymer 3D Printing Technology. Journal of Natural Sciences and Technologies, 3(2), 318–322. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14542531

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