technical automation means, defect, technological process, MEMS, MOEMS, substrate, diffusion, defect engineering.Abstract
Today, in the context of the widespread use of digital, network and intelligent technologies, and the continuous development of integrated production innovations, major and profound changes are taking place in the philosophy of modern industry development. Such changes set manufacturers the task of automating production process control in real time, which involves creating a single enterprise information space that links together the technological and business levels of enterprise management, while solving many of the most important tasks for an industrial enterprise.
Integration of the cyber component allows automating the management of production processes through the use of intelligent mechatronic modules, expert systems and large data sets for production forecasting. In this context, a person controls processes at the physical level through a cybernetic system. At the same time, this system with minimal human involvement allows: automatic control of the vehicle at the physical level, analysis and decision-making in real time. Systems of this type are multilevel. At the lower level, accurate and reliable systems such as microelectromechanical and micro-optomechanical are used. They collect, process, and transmit information in the control of technological systems. The accuracy and durability of MEMS and MOEMS depends on the technology of their manufacture.
The aim of this work is to increase the efficiency of control by using proximity sensors based on MEMS and MOEMS as part of technical automation means
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