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Computer vision, conveyor, pneumatic gripper, Industry 4.0


This work presents the results of research in the field of automation of technological processes at a modern intelligent factory. A solution for improving the method of sorting parts on a production line using a manipulator with a pneumatic gripper in combination with a computer vision system is described. An analysis of the pneumatic scheme of the parts distribution station is carried out, the main pneumatic units of the production line are shown. Selected components for building a layout of an automated system for sorting parts on a production conveyor. Experimental studies were conducted to confirm the correctness of theoretical solutions. The model uses a manipulator with three degrees of freedom and a vacuum grip. The program uses the OpenCV library to perform the task of recognizing parts on the assembly line. Experimental studies have shown the correctness of the developed layout and program.


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How to Cite

Novoselov, S., Nevliudov, I., & Sychova, O. (2024). A METHOD OF SORTING PARTS IN AN INTELLIGENT FACTORY BASED ON A MANIPULATOR WITH A PNEUMATIC GRIPPER IN COMBINATION WITH A COMPUTER VISION SYSTEM. Journal of Natural Sciences and Technologies, 3(1), 305–312. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12744231

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